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Percentage of an amount (part 1)

Watch the video and then complete the worksheet


Complete questions 1-4 on the homophones worksheet.


What are the arguments?

You will be writing a discussion text to weigh up the arguments for who was to blame.  Think back to the work you did on: if zoos should exist.  This was the same genre of text – impartially weighing up different arguments and settling on your own opinion only in the final paragraph.


Why do you think the words ‘tragedy’ and ‘disaster’ are often used to describe Titanic?

How do you think the sinking would have been described if everyone had been saved?


Both America and Britain held inquiries into the disaster.   The American inquiry concluded that Captain Smith should have slowed the speed of the boat given the icy weather conditions.  The British inquiry, on the other hand, concluded that maintaining speed in icy weather conditions was common practice.  Both inquiries agreed on who was most at fault for the high number of deaths - Captain Stanley Lord of the Californian.   The inquiries stated that if Lord had gone to Titanic's assistance when the first rocket was seen, then everyone would have been saved.      


Do you agree?  Why or why not? Write down your answer as a paragraph.


Both inquiries made recommendations:
 - all ships must carry sufficient lifeboats for the number of passengers on board
 - ship radios should be manned 24 hours a day
 - regular lifeboat drills should be held
 - speed should be reduced in ice, fog or any other areas of possible danger

Your view may well be different!  Who do you think was to blame?  What do you think was the major cause of death in the disaster?


Remember, you are not looking at who caused the sinking, but what caused the vast loss of life.  Think back to the question at the start of the lesson – how would the sinking have been thought of if everyone had survived?


Write down two people who you think were most to blame.  Write a paragraph for each explaining why you believe that they should be held accountable.  Remember to refer back to the work you did last week and yesterday to provide facts and information for your answers.   Think about what could have been done differently by these people which would have changed the final outcome. 



LO:  To consider how rhythm can be used to create a soundscape.

The Titanic disaster has provided the story for many films, plays and music over the years.  Probably the most famous is a film made about 20 years ago.  The music for this film was written by James Horner. 

Listen to this extract of music from the film.  This is used as the ship is sinking.  There are no pictures to accompany this music in this recording.  I want you to think about the images that it creates in your mind.  How has the composer created the sense of fear on the boat?

How has he created the disaster in your mind?

Think about the rhythms you can hear and the instruments.  Are the rhythms continuous (an ostinato)?  Do they pass amongst the instruments?  What instruments are used?  How are they playing?

Think about what we have learnt around rhythm in school and how rhythm can create an effect – remember the storm we made just with using our hands.  Now is your chance to create your own rhythmic music.


Click on the link bellow and follow the instructions on each page to create your own rhythm section of a piece.  You could imagine you are accompanying the sinking of Titanic or a Battle if you would prefer. 

In the first screen, you will be able to use pre-created sounds to make your own piece.

After, click ‘Next’ at the bottom right of the page.  The next few screens will talk you through creating your own rhythmic section.  You can use different types of drums, which will make different sounds. (If you click ‘What are these sounds’ at the bottom right, it will show you pictures of each instrument and tell you a bit more about them)

If you move the circle on the line, this changes the tempo (speed) of the music.
