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Titanic Maths

Today you have a range of Maths questions to do based on Titanic.  Read the story through carefully -  Pdf Maths Titanic Problems Story and then answer the questions.   Read each question and find the relevant information in the story to help you to solve the problem.

Once you are done.  Check your answers.  


Complete the next Reading Eggs spelling assignment on Ch


Read the Titanic Reading Comprehension text and then answer the questions.  Remember your answers need to be based on the text and not other knowledge that you may have.  Once you have completed the questions, check your answers against the answer sheet.

DT (Part 1)

Titanic Diorama

This week’s DT lesson crosses two days. You will need to plan then make a start on parts today, leaving them to dry, before you carry on tomorrow.

A diorama is a 3-dimensional model.  This means that you can see the depth as well as the height and width of the picture.  They can be used to illustrate a moment in time; show us what a scene really looked like.  They are often used in museums, such as the model of Hogwarts at Harry Potter World or the model of Aylesbury when it was just farmland at Bucks County Museum.


You are going to create your own Diorama of a room on Titanic, using junk modelling skills.  For the main shell, you are going to need a shoe box or something similar – I used a small Amazon delivery box.


Watch this video about creating a Diorama.  This isn’t about Titanic, but Dioramas in general:

Initially, you need to create a plan for your model, so you know what you are going to need to build.

Have a look at the pictures of different rooms on Titanic (DT Titanic room pictures) and decide which you would like to replicate.  Then work out which pieces of furniture you are going to need to make.  You may need to make a rug, wallpaper, carpet etc. as well

Use the pdf Titanic Design Planning sheet to help you to plan this out and the pdf Titanic Design Drawing to create a sketch of what your diorama will look like,  Think about what junk modelling items you have at home and how you could use these to create the shapes of things inside your model.

Today, you will need to create the shell of your diorama.  The main box, its carpet and walls.  You may want to paint this or use coloured paper.  (I used a potato – which I cut into a shape - to print a pattern in yellow paint, onto pink paper to create my wall paper)
