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Assessment  Today, you will be completing an assessment on all of the data handling skills we have learnt in the last 2 weeks.

If you would like a reminder of the different types of data we have learnt about, click the link to watch the video before you complete the assessment.

You can print the questions or write your answers on a separate piece of paper. 

Important - please email your completed assessment to your teacher.


Miss Rice's Maths:

Lesson Objective: Multiplication- The five times tables.

You are recapping your knowledge of the five times tables in this lesson.

Click on the link and watch the lesson. Then complete the worksheet.

If this lesson does not take an hour, please log on to Times Table Rock Stars.

If you are finding the tasks difficult or if you are making lots of mistakes, please email your work to your teacher so that we can help you.

Of course, you can share your work with your teacher at any time if you would like to.

This week we will begin looking at The Highwayman, which is a narrative poem. There will be video lessons, which introduce and explain the tasks in more detail. Please let us know as soon as possible if you are having any difficulties with any of this.

Please email your work to your teacher where highlighted.

In addition, make sure you are logging on to Reading Eggs:   Sometimes there will be tasks set as part of our daily lessons. At other times, you can choose which activities to complete. There are lots of books in the library section if you need something new to read


The Highwayman- Learning objective: to write the opening to our story.

In this lesson, we will use the plans we created in Wednesday’s lesson to write the opening to our story.

Watch the video lesson. Pause   the video when you are asked to and complete the activities.

Important - please email your completed writing to your teacher.


French - Je m’habille

Learning objective: to  describe clothes using colours.

You will need a notebook/piece of paper and a pen or pencil. Make sure you write the vocabulary down when asked to.

Click on the link and watch the lesson. Pause when asked and complete the activities.


Lesson objective: to investigate the differences between physical and chemical changes.

In this lesson, we will compare chemical and physical changes and use our knowledge to decide whether changes are physical changes or chemical reactions.

 Watch the lesson. Pause the video when you are asked to and complete the activities


TA Group - English, Spelling and Grammar

The following resources are for those children who have been asked by their teacher to complete a separate lesson for English, Spelling and Grammar. If you have not received a phone call asking you to use these lessons, then please complete the lessons above for Year 5. 


The Fate of Fausto-  Lesson Objective  To look at vocabulary that is used to describe feelings.

Click on the link and watch the lesson. Pause when asked and complete the activities.

There isn't any spelling today. Instead follow the plan and complete the French Lesson.