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Home Learning - week beginning 7/02/22


This week focus is on statistics and covers finding the mean of data as well as interpreting and producing line graphs and pie charts.

It uses Oak National Academy. The worksheets can be printed or can be used on screen as part of the videos. 


This week's English is based on the short film, 'Alma'.  If you were in school last week, you do not need to complete lesson 1 - although you may find it useful to do so, to help you with the rest of the week. 

Alma is a little girl who ventures into town in the snow. She is drawn to a shop window by a familiar looking doll. She enters the shop... what will happen when she goes inside?

This week you will be:

  • showing your understanding of the animation by answering questions
  • generating language and writing a character description of Alma
  • writing a setting description of the town and doll shop using figurative language
  • using a story board to plan a recount of Alma’s story
  • writing the story of Alma with an alternative ending.


Continuing with our focus on rhythm, watch the link for a lesson on syncopation.

  • Music
    Understanding syncopation


Do Christians only do good things so that they can go to Heaven?

Can a non-Christian go to Heaven?


What happens when I eat?

Watch the video on the link and complete an activity of your choice from those suggested. 


This week is Children's Mental Health week.  There will be resources added below later in the week in connection with this.