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To find details of today's activities, please look at the 'Weekly Plan' for this week.


Follow the links below to practice reading and spelling the Set 3 sound 'er - better letter'


In Maths this week we have been learning how to add 2 numbers using the 'make 10' strategy. Click on the link below and take part in the Maths lesson. At the end of the lesson there is an activity for you to complete.


Our PSHE topic is 'Keeping Safe'. We have been learning about people who help us. Use the PowerPoint below to learn about the role of a Police Officer. For your activity we would like you to think of some questions that you would like to ask a Police Officer. Write your questions down and remember to include a question mark.


Take time to work on your animal habitat homework. We are looking forward to seeing your creations when we are back at school after the half term holiday.