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Safer Internet Day

Safer Internet Day, coordinated by the UK Safer Internet Centre, is an annual celebration aiming to raise awareness of emerging online issues and concerns amongst young people, from cyberbullying to social networking to digital identity. This year, Safer Internet Day will be on the 9th February 2021 and will be celebrated in the UK with the theme: 

An internet we trust: exploring reliability in the online world

The internet has an amazing range of information and opportunities online, but how do we separate fact from fiction? In school and through their Home Learning, the children will have the opportunity to take part in a variety of activities which explore this theme. There are also Safer Internet Day assemblies available on the assemblies page of the website.

  • Safer Internet Day - BBC Live Lesson
    In this 30-minute Live Lesson in partnership with the UK Safer Internet Centre, aimed at primary-aged students and linked to the primary computing curriculum, we learn about how we can stay safe, responsible and wise in an increasingly digital world, with tips and advice from some of the biggest personalities on the web. The lesson will be made available right here on the morning of 9th February 2021 for your class to view in school or at home, and we'll be running a live commentary page alongside the school day to showcase how you and your pupils are marking Safer Internet Day.

  • Resources for Parents and Carers
    Use these free resources to talk to your child about online safety this Safer Internet Day. This pack includes activities, conversation starters and information to help parents and carers talk to their children about how to navigate the issue of reliability of information online in a safe, responsible and engaging way.


Thinkuknow has created a number of home activity packs, designed to provide parents with support and resources to help you learn about online safety at home with your child. Each pack contains two 15 minute activities to do with your child, using Thinkuknow resources. New packs are added fortnightly.


TikTok has become increasingly popular during lockdown. For more information on the app and how to keep your child safe when using it, please see the link below.

Other resources

See the links below to our dedicated E-Safety pages:

  • Think U Know
    Help your children get the most out of the Internet

  • NSPCC Share Aware
    It can be hard to know how to talk to your child about online safety. From setting up parental controls to advice on sexting, online games and video apps, we can help you to understand the risks and keep your child safe.

  • Net Aware
    Your guide to social networks, apps and games

  • Parent Info
    Help and advice for families in a digital world

  • CEOP
    Are you worried about online sexual abuse or the way someone has been communicating online?

  • Think U Know
    Information and activities for parents and 4-7 year olds to keep safe online

  • Think U Know
    Information and activities for parents and 8-10 year old children to keep safe online

  • Think U Know
    Information and tips for 11-13 year olds to keep safe on the Internet

Top Tips for Remote Education

There are lots of useful e-safety sites for parents. They are interesting to explore, so why not browse through them with your children? They stay up to date in a fast moving world.