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The governing Body and staff of St Mary's School believe that good behaviour is fundamental to success in the classroom for both children and teachers. Good behaviour results from a well planned and delivered curriculum that stimulates children to learn, ask questions, debate and challenge themselves. Our behaviour principles are rooted in our Christian values-based ethos and our curriculum.

Children learn best in an ordered environment. This can be achieved when expectations of learning and behaviour are high and consequences are explicit and applied consistently.

Behaviour for learning is behaviour which encourages learning to take place. Good behaviour needs to be taught, modelled and have positive consequences. Behaviours which challenge also have consequences. As a school, we ensure that there are protective consequences to keep pupils safe and educational consequences to ensure that such behaviour is not repeated going forward. Racism, bullying and sexual harassment are not tolerated. The age and developmental stage of pupils will always be considered when applying the behaviour policy.

We expect all members of our school community to live by and be role models of our Christian values: respect, integrity and resilience at all times.

Our Christian values-based ethos underpins our expectations for behaviour, we make it easy to behave well and hard not to by:

  • Unconditional positive regard for all pupils
  • Using our Christian values to underpin our actions and on how we reflect when we have made negative choices.
  • Recognising, acknowledging and rewarding pupils for their positive behaviour choices and demonstrating our Christian values.
  • Consistency in behaviour management based on the Norfolk Step On approach. All staff are expected and empowered to effectively manage behaviour in the same way.
  • A positive and assertive approach, where clear boundaries are set and enforced consistently, fairly, calmly and firmly.

If any child is worried or concerned about the behaviour of another child towards them, they can speak to their class teacher or another trusted adult in school.