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School Provision from 5th January 2021

Sent Via ParentMail Form 04/01/2021


Following the announcement made this evening that all schools are to close until further notice except for children who are deemed vulnerable, have an EHCP or children of critical workers. I am writing to let you know what our plans are. 

As I write this we are using guidance that may change rapidly and therefore maybe subject to change in the next few days. I appreciate your understanding and will communicate as needed. 

Remote learning will be made available for all children on the school website. As you can appreciate, we were prepared to open to all children for face-to-face teaching so please bear with us while this is uploaded. We will send out further information about how to access home learning and our provision tomorrow. 

Similar to the lockdown last year, we are asking all children who are deemed vulnerable, have an EHCP or children of critical workers to apply for a place in school, 8.30am – 3.30pm. Please do this by completing the form below for each child. If you have difficulties doing this, please email the school office. 

If your child is attending please: 

  • Arrive at school accompanied by one parent between 08.30-08:45  
    • Staff will be available at drop off in the morning to guide you to the correct gate. 
  • School uniform needs to be worn, remembering to wear layers as we still need to ventilate the building 
  • Bring a named water bottle 
  • For tomorrow, 5th January, please provide your child with a packed lunch. 
    • We will let you know about lunch provision in due course. 


Please bear in mind ParentMail are experiencing high volumes of traffic due tonight announcement. We are that you respond to the ParentMail should you need to use the schools provision for the above reasons.
