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Year 2


Who are we? 

There are two classes in Year 2:

The two classes are Cornflowers (Mrs Honeybourne and Mrs Watson) and Bluebells (Mr Arnie). We are also joined by our learning support assistants Mrs Cox, Miss Jenkins, Mrs Wing and Mrs Lawes.

Our Lower School Leader is Miss King.

Transition from Year 1 to Year 2 for 2024/25

English and Maths


In reading this term, most children will still be working hard on their phonics skills and building up fluency with their reading. Some children will begin taking part in daily guided reading and spelling sessions to work on their reading comprehension and spelling skills.

In writing this term, children will be exploring the following stories/text types to support them with their writing ideas : 

  • A Lion in Paris - Beatrice Alemagna
  • Little Red Reading Hood - Lucy Rowland
  • My Christmas Star – Jeanne Willis


In Maths this term, children will be working on these skill areas: 

  • Place Value
  • Addition and Subtraction
  • Shape

Please see below for links to the knowledge organisers linked to these areas of learning. 

This term our Curriculum Driver is 'Our World'


We try and link as many areas of our curriculum with this driver so that our children can make solid and concrete connections with their learning across our broad and balanced curriculum. 

This term our Geography topic is 'Our World':

We will be learning:

  • About the UK and its capital cities
  • To name and locate the world's seven continents and five oceans.
  • To use basic geographical vocabulary to refer to key physical features, including: beach, cliff, coast, forest, hill, mountain, sea, ocean, river, soil, valley, vegetation, season and weather.
  • To use basic geographical vocabulary to refer to key human features, including: city, town, village, factory, farm, house, office, port, harbour and shop
  • To use world maps to identify the United Kingdom and its countries, as well as the countries and continents.
  • To ask and answer geographical questions: What is this place like?  Who or what will I see there?
  • About our local area of Fairford Leys and identifying human and physical features.

This half term our Science topic is 'Animals, including humans’:

We will: 

  • Find out about and describe the basic needs of animals, including humans, for survival (water, food and air).
  • Describe the importance for humans of exercise, eating the right amounts of different types of food, and hygiene.


This half term our RE Big Question is 'Why does Christmas matter to Christians?’

We will learn: 

  •   To recognise that Incarnation is part of the ‘Big Story’ of the Bible.
  •   To tell the story of the birth of Jesus and recognise the link with Incarnation — Jesus is ‘God on Earth’.    
  •   To give at least two examples of ways in which Christians use the nativity story in churches and at home; for example, using nativity scenes and carols to celebrate Jesus’ birth.    
  • To think, talk and ask questions about the Christmas story and the lessons they might learn from it: for example, about being kind and generous

This half term our PE topic is 'Dance’

We will learn: 

  • To repeat, link and choose actions.
  • To create actions and accurately copy other’s actions.
  • To copy, remember and repeat actions using facial expressions to show different characters.
  • To perform in unison creating shapes with a partner.
  • To be able to mirror a partner and create ideas.
  • To copy, repeat and create actions in response to a stimulus.
  • To copy, create and perform actions considering dynamics.
  • To create a short dance phrase with a partner showing clear changes of speed.

This half term our DT topic is 'Healthy Eating – Pitta Pizzas':

We will learn:

  • To investigate and explore a healthy diet.
  • I can explain what foods can be included in a healthy diet.
  • To examine, describe and categorise a variety of bread-based products.
  • To develop the skills needed to be able to make a healthy pizza; by practicing cutting bread/toppings with a knife, grating cheese with a grater.
  • I can cut pizza toppings safely.
  • To design a balanced healthy pizza; draw and label my design.
  • To make a healthy pizza; using the skills taught and learnt.
  • Evaluate their ideas and products against design criteria making simple judgments.

This half term our Computing topic is 'Digital Photography': 

We will learn:

  • To use a digital device to take a photograph
  • To make choices when taking a photograph
  • To describe what makes a good photograph
  • To decide how photographs can be improved
  • To use tools to change an image
  • To recognise that photos can be changed

What you need to know:


Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday. Please ensure PE kits are in on those days. 

  • White t-shirt/school PE shirt or house shirt;
  • Dark shorts;
  • Dark joggers and sweatshirt;
  • Trainers.


Forest School:

Our Forest School session will take place every other week on Tuesday  come rain or shine!! 

On these days children will be expected to come into school in appropriate clothing: 

- School t-shirt and jumper with joggers or leggings that cover the legs and trainers.

- Wellies or trainers that you do not mind getting muddy in a named bag.

- Only on days where the weather is expected to be wet are children allowed to bring in an all in one 'puddle suit'. 

Our Forest School sessions for the Autumn Term are: 

Tuesday 17th September 2024

Tuesday 1st October 2024

Tuesday 15th October 2024

Tuesday 5th November 2024                                            

Tuesday 19th November 2024

Tuesday 3rd December 2024

Tuesday 17th December 2024



It is important that you are hydrated so please remember to bring in a water bottle that contains water in it. Break time fruit is provided. 



A homework grid is sent home at the beginning of each half term containing 9 activities linked to our learning that half term to choose from. Please complete one homework a week and send it in to be marked. 

Homework books are sent home every Friday and are expected back by the following Wednesday.                                   


“You can find magic wherever you look. Sit back and relax, all you need is a book.” Dr. Seuss. 

We would like you to encourage your child to read at home every day. Please ensure that your child has their reading record in their book bag each day. Children change their book each week. 

A useful website to help you find appropriate books to read is:


In Year 2, we would like all children to participate with our fun and interactive Reading Eggs programme both at home and at school. All children should be encouraged to enjoy 30 minutes of Reading Eggs at home every week, including one reading lesson. Please feel free to extend your learning for even longer! Your teacher will be able to see all of your hard work. Play games, complete puzzles, read stories, write your own stories and complete reading and spelling lessons all whilst earning awards and styling your own Reading Egg character. 

You will find your login details in your green homework book. Quick, log in now to start the fun! 


"Arithmetic is being able to count up to twenty without taking off your shoes" - Mickey Mouse


In Year 2, we would like all children to participate with our fun and interactive NumBots app both at home and at school. NumBots is all about every child achieving the “triple win” of understanding, recall and fluency in mental addition and subtraction, so that they move from counting to calculating. All children should be encouraged to enjoy playing for  3 minutes at least 5 times a week. Please feel free to extend your learning for even longer! Your teacher will be able to see all of your hard work. Complete challenges, earn rewards and even have a go at the story mode to help RustyBot upgrade from Rust to Diamond - so he can shine inside and out!

Times Table Rock Stars

During the Spring Term we would love children to begin practising their times table skills using Times Table Rock Stars. 

Times Tables Rock Stars takes the hassle out and puts the FUN into learning and recalling times tables! The innovative learning platform helps children become fluent in their times tables, which in turn cuts thinking delay, enabling them access to more complicated maths.

You will find your login details for both in your yellow reading record. Quick, download and log in now to start the fun!

Maths Games

Hit the Button

Times Tables Games for 6 to 7 year olds (


Useful Information: