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St Mary's PTA

St Mary's has a very active Parent Teacher Association whose members work hard to support our school by raising extra funds to help provide the best possible learning environment, resources and experiences for all our children.

In recent years we have been able to fund:

  • A new school website
  • Draft-excluder curtains for Nursery and Reception classes
  • Science activity days for all classes across the school
  • A new HERO attendance bear
  • An updated sound and microphone system in the school hall


The PTA hosts a wide range of annual social events such as the termly discos for pupils, the Christmas Bazaar, Summer fete and Family BBQ for everyone, and the Mothers’ Day and Fathers’ Day shops for pupils to purchase their own gifts. 

We also run a number of other events throughout the year for adults only such as quiz nights, race nights, a pamper evening and a painting party. Our ice-cream ‘Treat Friday’ shop is extremely popular and runs during favourable weather in the summer term.

The PTA committee

The PTA is run by a committee of parents, supported by school staff, who plan fundraising events and who, in consultation with the school, decide how the money raised can be best spent.

Our PTA committee meet each term to discuss fundraising events and form ampler sub-committees to help organise and run those events.  

Our Annual General Meeting happens at the start of each academic year and is open to all members of the school community.  In this we ratify our constitution and elect our officers for the year.

In 2024-25 our officer roles are held by:

PTA Co-Chairs: Nikki Hemming and Sarah Bailey-Gannon

PTA Co-Vice Chairs: Dee Sing and Amanda Terrell

PTA Secretary: Jade White

PTA Treasurer: Michelle Brownsmith

Giving your time.

The PTA welcomes any parents who can spare as little or as much time to support their work. We ask for volunteers from the wider parent body to help organise events or to help run stalls during our Christmas Bazaar and Summer Fete.  We are also always looking for new ideas and welcome new committee members.  If you want to join or offer help then please contact us via the form below.

School Uniform.

The PTA supports the school with its uniform through the following ways - 

Uniform Labels The PTA have a number of links to label companies that also raise much needed funds for the school without any additional cost to you as parents 

Good Quality Second Hand Uniform 
Please contact the PTA on the online form on this page

Contact the PTA