Nursery Statement
The ODBST is the admissions authority for the Nursery at St Mary’s Church of England School and parents seeking a place in this provision should contact the school directly.
St Mary’s Church of England School catchment area
Catchment areas are shown on the map below.
Parents may still apply to this school even if they do not live within the catchment area. Parental preference is taken into account when allocating places.
Parents unsure about which catchment area they fall into may use the council’s website. This uses postcodes to tell you your catchment school. Find a school near you
Early Years
Our school runs a designated nursery for children who are rising four. We offer the 30-hour flexible entitlement, meaning that children can attend for six hours a day, with the option of a chargeable lunch club. Our expectation is that all children who are offered a place should eventually attend at least every morning (8:30am – 11:30am) or afternoon (12:30pm – 3:30pm) session each week, following a staggered start. Parents can apply for a place in the Nursery to start in the Autumn Term. If, by January, the class is not full (24 places) parents may apply for a place for their child in the Nursery starting in the Spring or Summer Term, please see admissions timetable on page 4 of the admissions policy. Applications for a place in the Nursery should be made directly to the school. In the event of over subscription, please refer to the admissions rules criteria outlined on page 4 of the admissions policy.
NB: Admission prior to Rising 5 does not guarantee admission to the reception class. Applications for the Nursery are made separately and managed by the school. There is no right to appeal for Nursery places as there are no statutory guidelines until children reach statutory school age (5).
Admissions Timeline
Term of Entry | Application Deadline | Notes |
Autumn Term | End of April | This is our main intake for the academic year and cannot guarantee a place or your first choice after this date. |
Spring Term | End of September | Ranked according to our admissions rules below and offered based on availability |
Summer Term | End of January | Ranked according to our admissions rules below and offered based on availability |